

Vadigen Hospitality analyzes market demand, historical trends, citywide and destination-wide trends and competitive pricing to predict and maximize revenue potential. We measure success by growing market share year-over-year and exceeding RevPAR goals. We are well versed in the key processes for all major brands and optimize usage to maximize profit.

Our processes and philosophy are both consistent and flexible to meet the needs of this dynamic aspect of our business.
The company’s revenue management programs focus on maximizing our properties’ yield in rooms, food & beverage and ancillary revenue departments. We focus on programs that help individual hotels maximize their real revenue opportunities in meaningful, goal-oriented ways.

Vadigen Hospitality works tirelessly to maximize RevPAR at its properties. Selling at the right price to the right customer at the right time is the norm at our portfolio hotels. In these tough times, we help every member of the property revenue management team to reach the right pricing mix in order to compete effectively and maximize potential revenues.

Our comprehensive training programs train hotel associates to look at revenues from a “demand/supply” perspective. We work with our Central Reservations operation to communicate the best rate and availability strategy on a daily basis. This program includes computerized reports which compare results, forecast, budget and prior year histories